7 of the best natural products to help you through menopause
Women often view menopause with dread - and not surprisingly. Female maturity and wisdom is often still not appreciated in the Western world, and, let’s face it, who wouldn’t feel for anyone struggling with hot flushes, anxiety, night-time sweats, vaginal dryness, weight issues, insomnia, irritability, nausea, tearfulness and the other catalogue of woes menopause can bring.

The best ‘HRT’ menopause cake recipe
Of course, this HRT cake isn’t actually HRT / hormone replacement therapy ( it’s erm, cake). As far as ~I can discover, its reputation for helping with hormonal issues at menopause is entirely unproven, but unless natural phytoestrogens are something you need to be careful of (as in the case of some cancers), it might be worth trying, to see if it helps your symptoms. I mean, it’s cake, right? And as it’s meant to help with menopause, it’s practically medicinal, which means you have (a) a great excuse to eat it, and (b) a fabulous argument why nobody else in the house is allowed any. Win, win.